Pop of Power® Bifocal Style Readers

The best of both worlds in one pair of readers. Pop of Power® Bifocal Style reading glasses have a magnified reader segment on the bottom of each lens, while the remainder has no magnification. So you can keep your glasses on and see clearly whether you’re reading or looking up to talk to someone.

Pop of Power® Blue Light Readers

Pop of Power® Bifocal Style reading glasses from Foster Grant do just what the name suggests; they give you a pop of reading power just where you need it, and an unmagnified area where you don’t. Plus, they help to filter 30% of potentially harmful blue light* from digital screens, the sun and other artificial and natural sources. These readers are your best tool for comfort and clear vision all day long.

**All references to "bifocal style" herein refer to readers having unmagnified lenses containing a "bifocal style", single-powered reading glass insert located in the lower portion of the lenses.

*Potentially harmful blue light refers to the 415-455 nanometer range of the visible light spectrum. The percentage represents the average amount of potentially harmful blue light filtered at 5 nanometer increments in this range. Covered under U.S. Pat. No. 8,360,574. Other U.S. and foreign patents pending.